After correcting all the associated muscles and wiring, the diaphragm relaxed and the stomach was able to slide down into its proper position. The patient walked away with absolutely no shoulder pain.
A female with unexplained severe pain in her right shoulder came into the clinic this year. The pain was so intense that she couldn’t sleep and had a hard time working. The patient also said that painkillers didn’t even touch the pain. At IHWC, we specialize in neurological testing that examines the function of every muscle, joint, nerve and organ in the body. During the exam, the shoulder checked and seemed to be functioning perfectly. All the muscles were working correctly and the joint was aligned. Further examination showed only that the diaphragm was irritated, largely due to the stomach being positioned too far up similar to a hiatal hernia. The patient felt increased pain when the stomach pushed further into the diaphragm and a decrease in pain when it was pulled away.
What is a hiatal hernia? A condition in which part of the stomach pushes up into or through the diaphragm muscle. Mayo Clinic

“A hiatal hernia is known as ‘the great mimic’ because of the numerous symptoms it can create that often lead diagnosis astray.” A hiatal hernia can mimic digestive problems, gallbladder disease, heart problems, and shoulder, neck and jaw pain.
The stomach will often push gastric juices up into the esophagus which will cause a burning sensation that can radiate to the shoulder, neck, back, jaw and ear. This was exactly what this patient was experiencing.
After correcting all the associated muscles and wiring, the diaphragm relaxed and the stomach was able to slide down into its proper position. The patient walked away with absolutely no shoulder pain.
Do you or someone else have unexplained shoulder pain? Stop in and see if you have the “great mimic”!
Mayo Clinic
Applied Kinesiology. David S Walther