1. When you're shopping, always shop on the outside edges of the store. That is where you will find all the fresh fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy. This is where the real food is to nourish your body.
2. In regards to dairy, when buying things like yogurt, always buy the plain version. Often times the flavored versions have tons extra sugar added to them, which is harmful to your health. Also, always buy the full fat option, as fat is important to your health and makes food taste good!
3. The inner aisles are filled with bagged, boxed, frozen, or canned food which are more likely to contain preservatives, GMOs, and sugar. These aisles should largely be avoided at all cost.
4. Always read the label! You'll never know what has been added to a product unless you look. Did you know that most shredded cheese isn't just cheese?! You'll often find powdered cellulose (aka wood pulp, to prevent caking), natamycin (a mold inhibitor) and natural smoke flavors added. Gross!
5. Eat food as close as you can to the way it is found in nature! You'll get more nutrients out of the food. The more nutrients you eat, the healthier your body is.

6. Look for these words:
Pasture-raised chicken & eggs
Organic grass-fed meat
Wild-Caught Fish & Shellfish
Organic “Dirty Dozen” Fruits & Veggies
Organic, Grass-fed, and/or Pasture Raised Butter
7. Don’t fall for these words:
Natural meat (not a regulated term)
Fed a vegetarian-diet,
Hormone and antibiotic free
Farm-raised seafood
Added Sugars & artificial sweeteners
High-fructose Corn Syrup
“Gluten-Free” products: (can still be crap even without the gluten)
“Heart Healthy:” unregulated claims, usually means high sugar and low fat which can actually cause heart disease